Class: Billing


Allows you to manage your billing module in WHMCS.


new Billing(config)

Name Type Description
config Object Object containing your API credentials.
Name Type Attributes Description
serverUrl string URL to your installation. Remember to point to /includes/api.php
username string <optional>
password string <optional>
identifier string <optional>
secret string <optional>





Accepts a quote -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
quoteid Number The quote id to be accepted and converted to an invoice


Adds a Billable Item -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
clientid Number The client to add the item to
description String The description of the Billable Item. This will appear on the invoice
amount Number the total amount to invoice for
invoiceaction String <optional>
One of ‘noinvoice’, ‘nextcron’, ‘nextinvoice’, ‘duedate’, ‘recur’
recur Number <optional>
When $invoiceaction=recur. The frequency of the recurrence.
recurcycle String <optional>
How often to recur the Billable Item. Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
recurfor Number <optional>
How many times the Billable Item should create an invoice.
duedate String <optional>
Date the invoice should be due (only required for duedate & recur invoice actions). YYYY-mm-dd
hours Number <optional>
number of hours/quantity the item corresponds to. (not required for single quantities)


Adds credit to a given client. -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
clientid Number
description String Admin only notes for credit justification
amount Number


Adds payment to a given invoice. -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
invoiceid Number
transid String The unique transaction id that should be applied to the payment
gateway String the gateway used in system name format, eg. paypal, authorize
date String <optional>
The date that the payment should have assigned. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
amount Number <optional>
the amount paid, can be left undefined to take full amount of invoice
fees Number <optional>
the amount of the payment that was taken as a fee by the gateway
noemail Boolean <optional>
set to true to not send an email for the invoice payment


Add a transaction to the system -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
paymentmethod String The payment method of the transaction in system format
userid Number <optional>
The ID of the user to apply the transaction to
invoiceid Number <optional>
The ID of the invoice the transaction is for
transid String <optional>
The unique transaction id for this payment
date String <optional>
The date of the transaction in your Localisation Format (eg DD/MM/YYYY)
currencyid Number <optional>
The currency id for the transaction if not associated with a user
description String <optional>
The description of the transaction
amountin Number <optional>
The amount received by the payment
fees Number <optional>
The amount of fee charged on the transaction by the merchant - This can be negative
amountout Number <optional>
The amount paid out by the payment
rate Number <optional>
The exchange rate for the payment based on the default currency
credit Boolean <optional>
Should the payment be applied to credit on the client account. Invoice ID must not be provided.


Applies the Client’s Credit to an invoice -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
invoiceid Number The ID of the invoice to apply credit
amount Number <optional>
noemail Boolean <optional>
Set to true to stop the invoice payment email being sent if the invoice becomes paid


Attempt to capture a payment on an unpaid CC Invoice -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
invoiceid Number The ID of the pending order
cvv <optional>
string The CVV Number for the card being attempted


Create an invoice using the provided parameters. -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
userid Number The ID of the client to close
status String <optional>
The status of the invoice being created (Defaults to Unpaid)
draft Boolean <optional>
Should the invoice be created in draft status (No need to pass $status also)
sendinvoice Boolean <optional>
Should the Invoice Created Email be sent to the client (cannot be used with $draft)
paymentmethod String <optional>
The payment method of the created invoice in system format
taxrate Number <optional>
The first level tax rate to apply to the invoice to override the system default
taxrate2 Number <optional>
The second level tax rate to apply to the invoice to override the system default
date String <optional>
The date that the invoice should show as created YYYY-mm-dd
duedate String <optional>
The due date of the newly created invoice YYYY-mm-dd
notes String <optional>
The notes to appear on the created invoice
itemdescriptionx String <optional>
The line items description X is an integer to add multiple invoice items
itemamountx Number <optional>
The line items amount
itemtaxedx Boolean <optional>
The line items is taxed value
autoapplycredit Boolean <optional>
Should credit on the client account be automatically applied to the invoice


Creates a new quote -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
subject String The subject of the new quote
stage String The current stage of the quote (‘Draft’,‘Delivered’,‘On Hold’,‘Accepted’,‘Lost’,‘Dead’)
validuntil String The date the quote is valid until in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY)
datecreated String <optional>
The date the quote was created in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY)
lineitems Array <optional>
A base64 encoded serialized array containing the following keys:
lineitems[x][desc] String <optional>
For $lineitems. The description of the line item
lineitems[x][qty] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The quantity of the line item being quoted for
lineitems[x][up] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The Unit Price of the line item
lineitems[x][discount] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The amount of discount to provide on the line items
lineitems[x][taxable] Boolean <optional>
For $lineitems. Is the line item taxable
userid Number <optional>
If the quote is for an exising client, the client ID the quote is for
firstname String <optional>
The first name of the client the quote is for if no $userid
lastname String <optional>
The last name of the client the quote is for if no $userid
companyname String <optional>
The company of the client the quote is for if no $userid
email String <optional>
The email address of the client the quote is for if no $userid
address1 String <optional>
The address1 of the client the quote is for if no $userid
address2 String <optional>
The address2 of the client the quote is for if no $userid
city String <optional>
The city of the client the quote is for if no $userid
state String <optional>
The state of the client the quote is for if no $userid
country String <optional>
The country of the client the quote is for if no $userid
phonenumber String <optional>
The phone number of the client (no country code) the quote is for if no $userid. Local format eg 4035551234
tax_id String <optional>
The tax id of the client
currency Number <optional>
The id of the currency for the quote is for if no $userid
proposal String <optional>
The proposal text displayed to the end user
customernotes String <optional>
The notes on the quote displayed to the end user
adminnotes String <optional>
The notes on the quote displayed to the staff only


Removes a quote from the system. This cannot be undone -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
quoteid Number The quote id to be deleted


Generate any invoices that are due to be generated -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
noemails Boolean <optional>
Stop any invoice created emails being sent
clientid Number <optional>
Pass to generate invoices only for a single client id
serviceids Array.<Number> <optional>
An array of service ids to generate invoices for
domainids Array.<Number> <optional>
An array of domain ids to generate invoices for
addonids Array.<Number> <optional>
An array of addon ids to generate invoices for


Obtain the Credit Log for a Client Account -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
clientid Number The Client to obtain the log for


Retrieve a specific invoice -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
invoiceid Number The ID of the invoice to retrieve


Retrieve a list of invoices. -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
limitstart Number <optional>
The offset for the returned invoice data (default: 0)
limitnum Number <optional>
The number of records to return (default: 25)
userid Number <optional>
Find invoices for a specific client id
status String <optional>
Find invoices for a specific status. Standard Invoice statuses plus Overdue
orderby String <optional>
The field to sort results by. Accepted values are: id, invoicenumber, date, duedate, total, status
order String <optional>
Order sort attribute. Accepted values are: asc or desc.


Obtain quotes matching the passed criteria -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
limitstart Number <optional>
The offset for the returned quote data (default: 0)
limitnum Number <optional>
The number of records to return (default: 25)
quoteid Number <optional>
Obtain a specific quote id
userid Number <optional>
Find quotes for a specific client id
subject String <optional>
Find quotes for a specific subject
stage String <optional>
Find quotes for a specific stage (‘Draft’,‘Delivered’,‘On Hold’,‘Accepted’,‘Lost’,‘Dead’)
datecreated String <optional>
Find quotes for a specific created date. Format: Y-m-d
lastmodified String <optional>
Find quotes for a specific last modified date. Format: Y-m-d
validuntil String <optional>
Find quotes for a specific valid until date. Format: Y-m-d


Obtain transactions matching the passed criteria -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
invoiceid Number <optional>
Obtain transactions for a specific invoice id
clientid Number <optional>
Find transactions for a specific client id
transid String <optional>
Find transactions for a specific transaction id


Send a quote to the associated client -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Description
quoteid Number The id of the quote to send


Update an invoice using the provided parameters. -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
invoiceid Number The ID of the invoice to update
status String <optional>
The status of the invoice being
paymentmethod String <optional>
The payment method of the invoice in system format
taxrate Number <optional>
The first level tax rate to apply to the invoice to override the system default
taxrate2 Number <optional>
The second level tax rate to apply to the invoice to override the system default
subtotal Number <optional>
Update the subtotal of the invoice
total Number <optional>
Update the total of the invoice
credit Number <optional>
Update the credit applied to the invoice
date String <optional>
The date that the invoice should show as created YYYY-mm-dd
duedate String <optional>
The due date of the invoice YYYY-mm-dd
datepaid String <optional>
The date paid of the invoice YYYY-mm-dd
notes String <optional>
The notes to appear on the invoice
itemdescription Array.<String> <optional>
An array of lineItemId => Description of items to change
itemamount Array.<Number> <optional>
An array of lineItemId => amount of items to change
itemtaxed Array.<Boolean> <optional>
An array of lineItemId => taxed of items to change
newitemdescription Array.<String> <optional>
The line items description
newitemamount Array.<Number> <optional>
The line items amount
newitemtaxed Array.<Boolean> <optional>
The line items is taxed value
deletelineids Array.<Number> <optional>
An array of line item ids to remove from the invoice
publish Boolean <optional>
Publish the invoice
publishandsendemail Boolean <optional>
Publish and email the invoice


Updates an existing quote -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
quoteid Number The ID of the quote to update
subject String <optional>
The subject of the quote
stage String <optional>
The current stage of the quote (‘Draft’,‘Delivered’,‘On Hold’,‘Accepted’,‘Lost’,‘Dead’)
validuntil String <optional>
The date the quote is valid until in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY)
datecreated String <optional>
The date the quote was created in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY)
lineitems Array <optional>
A base64 encoded serialized array containing the following keys:
lineitems[x][id] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The id of an existing line item. Omit for new lines
lineitems[x][desc] String <optional>
For $lineitems. The description of the line item
lineitems[x][qty] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The quantity of the line item being quoted for
lineitems[x][up] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The Unit Price of the line item
lineitems[x][discount] Number <optional>
For $lineitems. The amount of discount to provide on the line items
lineitems[x][taxable] Boolean <optional>
For $lineitems. Is the line item taxable
userid Number <optional>
If the quote is for an exising client, the client ID the quote is for
firstname String <optional>
The first name of the client the quote is for if no $userid
lastname String <optional>
The last name of the client the quote is for if no $userid
companyname String <optional>
The company of the client the quote is for if no $userid
email String <optional>
The email address of the client the quote is for if no $userid
address1 String <optional>
The address1 of the client the quote is for if no $userid
address2 String <optional>
The address2 of the client the quote is for if no $userid
city String <optional>
The city of the client the quote is for if no $userid
state String <optional>
The state of the client the quote is for if no $userid
country String <optional>
The country of the client the quote is for if no $userid
phonenumber String <optional>
The phone number of the client (no country code) the quote is for if no $userid. Local format eg 4035551234
tax_id String <optional>
The tax id of the client
currency Number <optional>
The id of the currency for the quote is for if no $userid
proposal String <optional>
The proposal text displayed to the end user
customernotes String <optional>
The notes on the quote displayed to the end user
adminnotes String <optional>
The notes on the quote displayed to the staff only


Updates a transaction in the system -
Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Attributes Description
transactionid Number The unique id of the transaction to update
refundid Number <optional>
The unique id of the transaction that this transaction refunds
userid Number <optional>
The ID of the user to apply the transaction to
invoiceid Number <optional>
The ID of the invoice the transaction is for
transid String <optional>
The unique transaction id for this payment
date String <optional>
The date of the transaction Y-m-d
gateway String <optional>
The gateway of the transaction in system format
currency Number <optional>
The currency id for the transaction if not associated with a user
description String <optional>
The description of the transaction
amountin Number <optional>
The amount received by the payment
fees Number <optional>
The amount of fee charged on the transaction by the merchant - This can be negative
amountout Number <optional>
The amount paid out by the payment
rate Number <optional>
The exchange rate for the payment based on the default currency
credit Boolean <optional>
Should the payment be applied to credit on the client account. Invoice ID must not be provided.